Malta is a beautiful island situated in the heart of the Mediterranean with majestic buildings, museums and great beaches. It has a rich culture, with Arabian, Spanish and Italian influences, but due to the British occupation and influence it is also a great place to learn English. The PLUS centre is a 4 star resort located in the North-East of the island. The hotel offers well-equipped rooms as well as comfortable facilities including a swimming pool and lounge areas. Classrooms are either in the hotel of in premises nearby, (in this case transport to the school is provided). Age Range The center is advisable for young learners aged 9 to 17. Hotel Hotel accommodation in triple or quadruple rooms in a 3- or 4-star hotel with full-board (breakfast, packed lunch, dinner). English Courses Pla cement test 15 hours of English lessons Tuition in closed groups PLUS textbook and all supplementary materials PLUS Certificate of Attendance COURSE DATES AVAILABILITY: JUNE / JULY / AUGUST ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PREMIUM PROGRAMME |